Thursday 28 April 2011

Secret Garden...

I came across this website today that had loads of really gorgeous imagery that really inspired me and got me thinking about where I am going to go with my project. The images came from 'Bloom' Magazines website; they have all their photography from shoots for the magazine online for you to browse through. The majority of the images are of plants, trees, gardens and other natural objects, which at first sounds boring and unoriginal, but the photos I sourced kind of all worked together and reminded me of the book & film “The Secret Garden”, secretive passage ways, beautiful Victorian walls and gates,  and magical looking plants. They are charming and enchanting yet very pure and innocent.

I also loved the images below and thought they kind of tied in with the theme... going out into the garden when your a child, hanging up your moms  old bed sheets to make your own 'secret' place.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Entry #1

So the purpose of me keeping this journal is so that i can record all of my findings in one place. I will post imagery and infomation that inspires me and helps to shape my project.

Today i came across some great images in 'Silvershotz' magazine, not only do i think the images them selfs are stunning pieces of art but i love the artists reasoning and explanation for them. The artists name is Noel Myles who creates images using photography but he doesnt like to just use single framed photographs, he photographs the same object or veiw for days, weeks or months so he has pictures of it through different seasons or in different lights, then he gathers all the pictures togeather and selects the ones to complment the image best. This is how he explains his work; "Our perception of life is continuous. As we move our eyes over the enviroment we build and store mental visual memories of what we have just seen linked seamlessly with what we are looking at now. My question was how to represent this memory of looking and thinking in a still photograph". This is a perfect explanation to the images its a very intriguing but clever concept and as a result the images are beautifull. my favourites are the images of the oak trees, i think the method works well with the branches and textures of the tree, both images have a spooky airy feel to them.